How Are Women Presented as Having Less Control Than Men in Act 3 Scene 5 in Romeo and Juliet?

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How are women presented as having less control than men in Act 3 Scene 5 in Romeo and Juliet? Juliet and her mother, Lady Capulet are presented as having no control over Capulet in this scene. Lady Capulet says to Juliet, “Here comes your father, tell him so yourself. And see how he will take it at your hands.” This clearly shows that Capulet is dominant in the household. Instead of Lady Capulet deciding for Juliet or giving her own opinion, she urges Juliet to speak to her father. Capulet is the only one who can make the decisions, his opinions heard over his own wife and daughter’s. Even if Lady Capulet had answered Juliet’s request, Capulet’s decision would be final. They lived in a patriarchal society, it was impossible for a woman’s voice to be taken into account. Capulet becomes enraged at Juliet when she refuses to marry Paris and go with her parent’s wishes. He shouts, “Speak not, reply no, do not answer me”, when Juliet has the nerve to stand up to him and have her share of her opinion. Capulet, not believing this, orders her not to answer him back, stating that he will have his way, as he says, “Do not answer me.” Although Juliet tries to prevent her marriage with Paris, her father stands his ground. “Or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither. Out you green-sickness carrion, out you baggage. You tallow face!” He curses as this daughter, underlining that he will have her in the church on her wedding day, he even will consider the possibility of dragging her there, “I will drag thee on a hurdle
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