Homelessness to Happiness

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Poteete 1 Jeffrey Poteete Anne Kennedy English 101 01/17/2015 Writer’s Checklist for Writing a Narrative 1. How does my title and introduction make my essay enticing? It is a sad title but the opening paragraph offers a happy ending to the reader. 2. How is my thesis effective? It's a feel good story. 3. What details have I included so the reader can visualize my experience? I mentioned the dreadful places I've been at and where I intend to be soon. 4. How are the events presented in a logical sequence? I developed a time line alongside my thoughts. 5. How have I used transitions to help the sequence of events flow smoothly? With that same time line. 6. Have I used a consistent point of view and verb tense? No. it was hard to include a back story that was crucial in telling my story. I felt I had to sacrifice some points there. 7. What is the point of my narrative? I wanted to tell the reader that even the worst times can be overcame, especially with help from others. 8. How does the ending of my story make this a satisfactory ending? The reader will be joyous. 9. What steps did I take to proofread thoroughly? Spell check. Several read throughs. Poteete 2 Jeffrey Poteete Anne Kennedy English 101 01/17/2015 Homelessness to Happiness I have chose a contrasting pathway in life compared to most people. Until about a year ago, I wandered roads that have only led to treachery and malfeasance. It is cold and scary out there. I abandoned all thoughts of what is right and decent. Ultimately, I chose to forsake freedom and independence for immorality and fraudulency. With the help of God and law enforcement, I have since become emotionally fulfilled and made a one-eighty towards an appetite for ambition in my once thought of “so

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