History P302 Christians Vs Muslims Holy Land

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These two completely different accounts describe the reasons and intensions of both the Christians and the Muslims. The attackers fled into the Holy land with joy which shows their strong devotion and reason. But for Muslims, Christians’ account and devotion showed their awful cruelty which slaughtered their people. All of those encounters happened on the “Holy Land”, which creates a really interesting and diverse meaning of “Holy Land” to both the Christians and the Muslims. As described by Fulcher of Chartres, it was Friday at noon when the Crusaders barraged the city; Friday, the day that Christ regained the world through his sufferings on the cross. A day that many will never forget for those significant and life-changing events. The Franks entered the city with great power, surprising the Muslims with great fright. The “non-believers” were no longer brave and fearless; they soon became afraid and terrified by the event. They ran for their lives with great terror trying to escape alive. On the other side of the city, Count Raymond and his bold troops were attacking another part of the city. They did not notice the Muslims running for their lives until the Saracens started to jump from the wall; it was then that Count Raymond and his men cheerfully joined the other in killing the enemy. The people tried to save themselves; some ran to the Temple of the Lord of Solomon and locked themselves in, but that did not bring much relieve. Others ran into the Tower of David. But, wherever they hid, the attackers could find them and did not spare anyone’s life. The Muslims that had climbed up to the Temple of the Lord of Solomon were either shot, beheaded; no one survived. No life was spared, not even the lives of the women and children. Fulcher of Chartres describes the images in a very dramatic and cruel perspective; he says that there was so much blood of the

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