Historical and Contemporary Views of Health Promotion

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Historical Views of health promotion was focused on making healthy life style changes in order to achieve disease prevention. Health in history was defined as the absence of illness or well being. The health science in history viewed the human being as sophisticated machine (Mechanist), that can be broken down into particles (reductionist) and treatment was directed only for the affected part. The science was based only on quantifiable objects and saw the spirit and body as separate objects (dualistic). The disease prevention and treatments were patriarchal in which masculine force was used to evict disease out of body (Robinson, 2004). An example- (any) mental illness was treated using force (beating, fire etc) because they considered mind and body as separate (dualistic), did not have the understanding that changes in electrolytes/toxins or social factors could causes mental illness. Contemporary Health Promotion is based on health literacy - making people aware of the causative factors for diseases, how to prevent illness and value of health by reinforcing quality of life. Health is redefined as the manner in which we live well, irrespective of our inescapable illness, trauma, or disabilities. The new science view human beings as living things (organic), holistic (not broken down) interconnected (social, emotional, spiritual, and physical factors), and feminine values of nurturing, compassion and trust ( Egalitarian) are used in treatment (Robinson, 2004). An example is treating an infection using antibiotics along with addressing the emotional and social issues of the individual. To conclude- in history disease prevention was achieved by forcing an individual to change using the power of a priest or a fix person (human body mechanic) eliciting fear of consequences. Whereas in contemporary method the individual makes lifestyle changes

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