High Stakes Testing

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| High Stakes Testing | (Standardized Testing) | | EDL 619 Social Foundations of Education Summer 1-2011 An explanation and descriptions of “High Stakes Testing” and how what the impact is on present day education in the United States. | High Stake Testing What is “High Stakes Testing?” High-stakes test are tests with important consequences for the test taker. These achievement tests are known as "high-stakes" when results are used to make crucial educational decisions, such as grade placement, granting high-school diplomas. scholarships, or as a measure of teacher effectiveness. Failing has important disadvantages, such as being forced to take remedial classes until the test can be passed, The use and misuse of high- stakes tests are a controversial topic in public education, especially in the United States SAT’s SAT no longer stands for ‘Scholastic Aptitude Test’ which was the original name of the test. It was introduced in 1941. Although you may still see that name occasionally, the College Board, the not-for-profit educational association that sponsors the SATs, decided to let the acronym stand on its own as a way of addressing controversy about the meaning of the word "aptitude." The College Board also rejected the alternative "Scholastic Assessment Test." (This name was redundant, since assessment means test.) | The SAT I measures verbal and math reasoning abilities that one developed throughout their school years. The multiple-choice test, developed by the not-for-profit Educational testing Service students demonstrate their verbal and math abilities without regard to the kind of schooling they've had. According to the College Board, the test looks for a student's ability to understand and analyze written material, to draw inferences, to differentiate shades of meaning, to draw conclusions and solve

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