Hernan Cortes's Life And Accomplishments

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Amber McMenemy 11-27-12 Hernan Cortés He was born in 1485. He was born in Medellin, Spain. He was born of Spanish nobility. His parents' names were Martin Cortes and Catalina Pizarro Altamirano. The military ran in his blood, as his father was an officer in the Spanish army during his lifetime. He was very sickly when he was a child. Cortes attended the University of Salamanca. He had started attending the university when he was 14 years old. In 1501, he failed his law studies and wound up leaving the University of Salamanca. The following year, he joined Diego Velazquez and Nicola de Ovando on their voyages to the New World. He is best known as a Spanish conquistador and explorer. He conquered

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