Henry Peach Robinson

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Copyright by David Lawrence Coleman 2005 The Dissertation Committee for David Lawrence Coleman certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Pleasant Fictions: Henry Peach Robinson’s Composition Photography Committee: Michael J. Charlesworth, Supervisor Linda D. Henderson Janice Leoshko Charles R. Rossman Richard A. Shiff PLEASANT FICTIONS: HENRY PEACH ROBINSON’S COMPOSITION PHOTOGRAPHY by David Lawrence Coleman, B.A., M.A. Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Texas at Austin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Texas at Austin December 2005 For Sally Acknowledgements I owe many thanks to dozens of professors, colleagues and friends who have aided me during the course of researching and writing this dissertation. I am most grateful to my advisor, Michael Charlesworth, for the wealth of intellectual insight and guidance he has offered to me. I also thank the rest of my dissertation committee Linda Henderson, Janice Leoshko, Charles Rossman and Richard Shiff, for their helpful feedback and suggestions. Over the past several years my colleagues at the Harry Ransom Center have offered me tremendous support. My deepest gratitude goes to Thomas Staley, who has been extremely generous with resources and who supported my position at the Center while I pursued my doctoral studies. I also wish to thank Roy Flukinger for his willingness to hear my thoughts and for his generous commentary. Linda Briscoe Myers has also been enormously helpful. Many staff at various European collections and institutions offered me access to their holdings and made suggestions for further research. These include: Pam Roberts and Samantha Johnson at the Royal Photographic Society (formerly in Bath), Michael

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