Hellen Keller Analysis

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Living in the modern world as a deaf and blind person would be hard enough but imagine back in the 1800s when living life as a woman was difficult enough with men superiority diffused throughout the world. Helen Keller, in her speech, describes the beauty of speech, and focused less on her disabilities. Throughout the speech, Keller engages readers with her rhetoric pathos. Such as, in the beginning she expressed her joy in being able to speak as being "unspeakable happiness", even though others could not fully understand her. The use of irony in the statement, besides being literally ironic, further emphasized the amount of emotion encompassed in the basic task of speech. After she learned to speak as a child, she used her new ability to fill in the gap and feel normal by talking with her family. Furthermore, she demonstrated perseverance and optimism through her word choice focused on her speech troubles. For instance in the statement "I want every little deaf child in all this great world to have an opportunity to learn to speak”, the reader can almost feel the determination and power in her words with the impossible task of teaching every deaf child to learn speak verbally. By mid- speech Helen Keller feels "unspeakable happiness" with her ability to speak to close friends and family members and their large amount of support for her to do so. The relationship considered "tender", was spoken about in a way it seems she has full ability of her senses in order to emphasize her happiness. It allows the reader to understand her situation from a nondisabled perspective and how much talking to others has helped her to remain emotionally stable. Following her declaration of happiness she goes on to tell of times before she could communicate verbally. The transition from happiness to her struggles emphasizes the extent of pain she has
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