Health Needs Assessment

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Professional Issues in Health Health Needs Assessment 21074332 Cohort: October 2009 Group M The aim of this essay is to compile a health needs assessment in Roxbourne where two key factors which includes housing and unemployment/employment are focused upon. Firstly this health needs assessment will look at definitions such as health, needs and then health needs which will follow with an overall overview of Harrow and then focus on Roxbourne. During this health needs assessment a rationale will be given why the writer has chosen this particular ward in Harrow community. A discussion will follow on the effects on health and well-being of housing and unemployment/employment within the chosen ward. Furthermore, this essay will describe the role of the nurse and other healthcare professionals/ agencies in addressing the health needs in Roxbourne, and this will only focus on one factor. A discussion will follow with the identification of relevant health promotion resources that can be used to address the health needs within the community and the importance of effective inter-professional and inter-agency working. Finally a conclusion will summarise the main issues addressed within the essay. To be able to give a clear definition of health needs assessment, health and needs will be looked at separately to understand the appropriate meaning of these words. Firstly, health is described by the World Health Organisation (WHO, 1948) as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely on the absence of a diseases or infirmity”. With no changes made since 1948, this definition is still well known due to the holistic overview of health and not only the disease. The definition of the word need or needs can be defined in a professional perspective as a necessity within poverty or to lack something. (English Dictionary, 2005) This need can be

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