Hand Hygiene in a Hospital

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Health & Safety at Work Module | | | By Brian Finn | | | Comprehensive Plan and Aims/objectives of survey. Plan The plan is to observe five members of the public washing their hands in a hospital Aims To observe peoples hand washing techniques to see if people are washing their hands correctly. Objectives By the end of the assignment the reader will be able to discuss the importance of hand washing, describe the risk of infection to patients and explain the importance of eliminating cross infection. Sufficient documentation/background information Hand washing is important to stop the spread of infection (see fig 1). On our hands we have normal bacterial skin flora which is found deep in the skins layer and under fingernails. It is part of the body’s natural resistance mechanism and can be difficult to get rid of by hand washing. We also have transient flora which is not part of the usual micro flora of the hands and can be picked up through contact with people, surroundings and equipment. This can be removed by simple hand washing procedures such as soap and water. Hand washing is important to remove dirt and most transient organisms (Class notes, 2012). Hand washing is one of the main ways to stop the spread of viruses and everyone working in a care facility should carry out this process. Staff should wash their hands at the start of every shift, before and after attending to each client and after they have used the toilet. Posters should be placed above sinks and at their desks reminding them to wash their hands, also around the corridors and in toilets so patients and visitors are aware of it. Hand washing in a care environment is vitally important due to the amount of sick and vulnerable patients that care staff looks after on a day to day basis. Fig 1: preventing spread of infection by hand washing

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