Hamlet Flaws

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Harrison Friday Mr. Lamb 1/25/09 English 11 Honors Hamlet, in regards to the consistency of the character Hamlet is not nessicaily a flawed one but just an overly complicated one. There are so many drives and emotions pushing him in different direction that he eventually becomes misunderstood. Luckily with a large amount of thinking on the perplexing motives of Hamlet, one can certainly figure out that Hamlet character is a constant one, changing only in small and necessary ways. Hamlet, in most respects is just a product of his environment, contrary to the popular belief of Hamlet being a product of a poor character development. According to many writers and scholars Hamlet changes from a slightly melancholy character into a gloomy depressed character. This idea can simply be revoked by a comparison of two quotes, one being expressed as early as Act I, scene one of the play, “how weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world” (Shakespeare 26). The other in Act IV, "I must be cruel, only to be kind: Thus bad begins and worse remains behind" (Shakespeare 232), from these two quotes we learn that hamlet has not changed at all from the beginning of the play in terms of depression. In actuality he has just…show more content…
A celebration that can teach us many lessons. The most important of these lessons states that Hamlet’s insanity makes perfect sense and also turns out to be an exploration of the human psyche. This particular lesson tells us that madness sometimes has a reason and madness may even be in fact devolved, not a disease that one is born into. Hamlets madness paints a bleak world of melancholy. A world that essentially creates tragedy that only comes back to make hamlet more mad. This infinite loop of madness eventually leads to hamlets downfall, a downfall of Laertes vengeance forged by Hamlet’s infinite cycle of
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