Hajj Essay

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Studies of Religion (2 Unit) Topic Task: Islam – Oral/Research Report • Allah says, “And hold together and be united through the rope of Allah and do not be divided” - Qur’an (3:103) • Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. It is the pilgrimage to the Ka’ba in Makka, the house of Allah, at least once in a lifetime by those Muslims who can afford it and are able-bodied. Hajj is performed during the period of Dhu’l-Hijja, the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar. During this period all the barriers of language, territory, colour, race and culture disappear and the bond of faith. • “Perform the pilgrimage and visit to Makka for Allah.”- Surat al-Baqara 2:196 • Hajj is a once in a life time obligation upon male and female adults whose health and means permit it, or in the words of the Qur’an, upon “those who can make their way there”. It is not an obligation on children, though some children do accompany their parents on this journey. It is an essential part of Muslims’ faith and practice. The rites symbolize the essential concepts of Islam and commemorate the trials of the Prophet Abraham and his family. • Before setting out, the pilgrim should redress all wrongs, pay all debts, plan to have enough funds for their own journey and for the maintenance of their family while they are away, and prepare themselves for good conduct throughout the Hajj. • In accordance with an article in the Sydney Morning herald about “2 and half million Muslims from more than 70 countries journey to the holy city of Makka each year” to make the spiritual pilgrimage known as the Hajj. This is a blessed journey to the house of Allah, which was built by prophet Abraham. The pilgrimage is one of the five pillars of Islam that form the framework of Islamic life. All Muslims who are physically and financially able are expected to perform the Hajj at least once. • Did you know? Muslims

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