Google's Predicament

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Case 3 Google’s Predicament By Danny Chiou 02.19.2015 Introduction The following case study provides an in-depth discussion of Google.Inc, in pursuit to recommend its next significant acquisition. Google.Inc is no longer just a search engine but an influential enterprise that competes within a variety of industries. As it can be observed in their product line, Google offers a full suite of web services and tools, cloud e-mail service, web browser, social network and electronic devices. Furthermore, the company is involved in the production and development of smart glasses, mysterious barges, renewable energy and blimp hangars. The product list will continue to grow due to vast investments into the development of new technology. Google has surpassed already many of its competitors and the venture currently ranks 2nd place amongst US large caps. Within this case, a number of steps will provide an understanding of Google’s next significant strategic move. A common strategy for large cap companies has always been mergers and acquisitions. Nevertheless, the company that is acquired must be chosen wisely in order to guarantee financial growth and competitiveness. When determining the most profitable acquisition, it is important to present Google’s current market capital i.e. the value of the company. The in-depth evaluation of Google’s financial means enables a better prediction of the competition. The first step is to evaluate Google’s closest competitors. It is crucial to evaluate the competition in order to predict ‘the next big move’ more accurate. It is vital to review past acquisitions Google has made over the past few years. Consequentially it is important to understand the company’s past acquisitions in order to recommend the

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