German Involvement In The Spanish Civil War

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The Spanish Civil War (1936-9) was a major conflict that devastated Spain, leaving thousands dead and leaving much of the state's economic and social infrastructure in ruins. The war increased international tensions in Europe thus making World War II less inevitable. The war was basically between the Communists, who supported the Republican government and the right-wing rebels or Nationalists, who were under General Franco. This war also saw involvement from other European countries since both sides of the conflict - the Right-wing Nationalists and the Left-wing Republicans - requested and received foreign aid. Aid was provided in terms of financial material goods, war material and troops. Adolf Hitler's Germany was one of the foreign countries that was most involved in the conflict and mainly contributed in terms of economic loans as well as several thousand troops to the Nationalists. When the civil war broke out in Spain, Franco had begun his uprising in Morocco Franco sent a call for help to Germany and asked for support, especially in the air. Franco along with his troops was stationed in Africa, and Franco was not able to get his troops across to Spain. Hitler thought over Franco's proposition and immediately sent transport planes to get Franco's forces to Spain. And Over the next few years the Nazis continued to support the Nationalists. Germany’s involvement in the Spanish war was unfailing but it was aimed at diverting British and French attention from Central and Eastern Europe in order for Hitler to unhinder his plans for eastern expansion. Hitler was still determined to seek vengeance for his country after the devastation and humiliation that the Treaty of Versailles brought to Germany. Hitler was bent on rearming Germany, expanding German territory, returning Germany to its former economical state, building relationships with his allies in order to
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