Gen Y Essay

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Awesome Shmawesome: Does Gen Y have too much self-esteem? 1. What is the thesis and where is it located? (4 marks) The thesis is, “But it’s one thing to nurture a budding ego, and quite another to inflate and prop it up so massively, the child never learns to stand alone”, it is a strong thesis the author stated to get the reader to understand the main concern of her essay, the overblown egos of Gen Y. The thesis is the second line found in the eleventh paragraph. 2. Name two methods of argumentation. (2 marks) Two methods of argumentation include example and illustration, and description and narration. 3. What is the tone of the essay? (1 mark) The tone of the essay is serious and thought provoking as she tries to enlighten the readers her concerns and issues with Gen Y. The author also appears to be aggravated, frustrated, biased and bothered by the unwarranted self-regard and lack of humility of Gen Y. 4. Give an example of irony. (3 marks) An example of irony is found in the tenth paragraph stating, “Ironically, it wasn’t the demented mother who wound up in therapy; it was the fortysomething HR person whose endless hassles with Gen Y workers and their nanny parents finally pushed her over the edge”. It is ironic because Gen Y whom have too much self esteem and ego, and their parents who protect them aren’t the ones getting therapy but has turned the table to the HR worker who just could not deal with Gen Y workers and their over protective parents. 5. Provide three structural pieces of evidence to illustrate whether the article is formal or informal. (4 marks) The article is informal because of the author’s viewpoint, tone and style. The author’s viewpoint is in first person because it directly addresses the reader using words like, ‘I’. For example, “Over the years, I’ve met some charming kids who’ve leveled me with their talent and drive”. The tone
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