Freshwater Fishtanks Essay

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Freshwater Aquariums for Dummies Since 1853 people have been captivated by the serene beauty of the aquarium. Captured inside the aquarium is a world we cannot be a part of, and one that we cannot normally see. With over one hundred and fifty years of honing, the aquarium hobby is now available to all people, and what was once found only in zoos and parks, can be found in the common household. Regardless of where the aquarium is placed, to own an enjoyable and pleasing aquarium, there are three things that must be correctly chosen. They are these: The décor, the water parameters, and of course the fish. The initial thing to consider when starting an aquarium is the size of the tank. Water weighs roughly eight pounds per gallon, so a common forty gallon breeder tank weighs around 320 pounds with only water. A proper stand will be necessary for the weight of the chosen tank, as well as adequate space. An aquarium commands the attention of a room. Those who wish to master the art of aquascaping must first become familiar with the available decorations. It is the decorations that transform an empty tank on a proper stand to the small contained ecosystem that is only inhibited by one’s imagination, and perhaps the contents of his wallet. Many prefer a natural look, with rocks and driftwood accounting for the hardscape, or the bulk of the décor. Added to the hardscape often are live plants, to create a tropical scene. Another way to practice aquascaping is by using store bought plastic decorations. These have the added benefit of lasting many years with no maintenance. Here is where the imagination must not be constrained, for what could be created is virtually limitless. A seventy-five gallon tank could contain the ruins of a once great city; it’s former glory now only known to the plants which have overrun it entirely. Enclosed within a twenty gallon tank could be

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