French and Indian War Dbq

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The French and Indian War, occurring between the years 1754 and 1763, is one of the most influential wars in all of American history. Effects both during and as a result of the war created and bolstered political, economic, and ideological tensions between Britain and her American colonies. Politically, tensions over land disputes heightened between Indians and Colonists and the borders of the three main powers in the new world changed dramatically . Economically, England experienced large amounts of debt that caused a rise in colonial taxes, and ideologically the relationship between the American colonies and its mother country became more relevant to the direction of the new nation. Territorial borders shown on maps before and after the French and Indian war illustrate the shift in power that the three predominant powers in the Americas undertook . The French lost almost all of their land, giving everything east of the Mississippi River to the English including Spanish Florida. The rest of their land was given to the Spanish in return for the assistance the Spanish gave them (Doc A). The elimination of the French threat led to future westward expansion and thus more conflicts with Native Americans. In a speech made by the chief of the Iroquois Confederation, Canassatego states that settlers are migrating into Iroquois land and disrupting Indian hunting (Doc B). His remarks explain that the white settlers are encroaching on their land and that earlier treaties have been unfair. Pontiac’s rebellion caused the Proclamation of 1763 to be put in place by King George III leading to an increase of tension from the colonies to the British, angry that they had won the war yet were not able to settle in the territories they had gained. Economically Britain accumulated a significant amount of debt paying for the war, which in turn caused an increase in taxes for

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