Frederick Douglass Character Analysis

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Frederick Douglass’ personality is shown in a few different ways in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. His book was an in-depth look into the life of a slave in the mid 1800’s. The book helped people get a better view of how slaves were treated, on gave fuel to the Abolitionist fire. Frederick Douglass’ Narrative was a first person historical account of slavery. Since it is an account written by him, he helps us today to see slavery without exaggeration or Government re-written history books. The book is also a documentation of Douglass’ life. Moreover, the book gives us a good look at Douglass’ thoughts, feeling, and personality. Frederick Douglass’ character is comprised mainly of his independence, his perseverance, and his intelligence. Throughout the book, Frederick Douglass shows himself to be independent. Young Frederick took it upon himself to learn how to read. Even though he received help from the local children’s books, he really did the teaching himself, which is something that he couldn’t do unless he had independence.…show more content…
Douglass wrote a good book, and was a true story. That means that he did not exaggerate his best qualities to make himself look better. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and Douglass’ life afterwards, shows that one man can make a difference. In fact, his book probably changed the life of any person that read the book when one would release, with slavery still in abundance. Had every man, woman, and child in the United States read the book when the book was published, things certainly could have been different. The prejudice that is still around even today might be significantly less had the slaveholders realized that the slaves were people, not property. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass was an important work, and also gave much insight into the character of one of the most famous slaves to
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