Formal Aspects Of Art

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Formal Aspects of Art
Art can be an expression of portraying of one’s life. Art is a type of human creation such as sculpture, painting, movies, music, and also dancing. In other words, anything that is natural or non-fictional such as water, clouds, etc. is not art, but anything that is the expression of humans is art. Therefore when we make painting of water, cloud then it is an art, but when a person look at reality of water and clouds is not art. There are different aspects of art such as narrative, expression, and formal. A formal aspect of art is anything that has lines, shapes, values, color, texture, pattern, rhythm, balance, scale, proportion, and motion. Formal quality of art is based on the values of people, their culture and the way of people’s thinking. There are different types of arts and those arts can be compared and contrasted in one way or the other. For example, Jacob Lawrence’s artwork, Barber shop, on page 162 can be compared and contrasted with Dravidian Style picture of Shiva Nataraja, on page 446. First of all, the painting Barber shop is an artwork of formal qualities as this artwork has shape, color, rhythm, lines, and also patterns. According to Jacob Lawrence this artwork is his everyday visual encounters. Additionally, Lawrence stated that it is meant to capture the rhythm of life in Harlem. This painting has shapes that are triangular and diamond, has different colors such as white, green, black, red and also lavender. Barber shop also has visual rhythm which is “established through the repetition of both shapes and colors.” (Lawrence 162) The line and patterns are put in the painting in such as way that it is balanced, for example, the figure sitting in the chair on the left side has an apron with white color and the patron’s apron on the right side also has a white color and then the figure sitting on the right side has a black
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