Five Guys Essay

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Entrepreneurial Leadership: Five Guys Burgers: America's Fastest Growing Restaurant Chain Edward S. Bye Strayer University Contemporary Business Business 508 Dr. Hammad Elbedour October 21, 2013 Five Guys Burgers: America's Fastest Growing Restaurant Chain Background Experiencing turmoil during his childhood because of an absentee father, and after divorcing and remarrying, Jerry Murrell was motivated to start a family business which would keep his family close. His motivation was further enhanced when he and his wife challenged their sons to either start a business or go to college and the sons voted for starting a business. Murrell’s desire to have his family live nearby was successful, as he, his wife and all five sons not only live within 20 minutes of one another, but they all vacation together every summer, and all work for Five Guys. The five guys all found a way to work within their passions. Jim, 45, the oldest son, came up with the idea to franchise the privately owned company. Matt, 43, is over marketing and operations. Chad, 40, leads training and Ben, 29, heads the company's IT department. The youngest son, Tyler, 25, oversees the company's bakeries. Five Guys was originally named as a way to represent the five males in Jerry Murrell’s (Five Guys’ Chief Executive Officer) family when the first restaurant opened in 1986; himself, and four sons (Jim, Matt, Chad, Ben). After the birth of the youngest son (Tyler), the name Five Guys came to represent the five sons of Jerry and Janie (Five Guys’ President) Murrell. The success of Five Guys management is evident by its amazing growth within a relativity short period of time. Before franchising, Murrell was content with the family business and its modest growth. Five Guys was considered a little family burger operation in five locations with a steady and loyal customer base in Northern

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