Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Analysis

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Synthesis #2 1) Approximately 1% of babies in the United States are born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or (FASD). FASD is an umbrella term for all birth related defects associated with alcohol exposure prenatally (O’Connor & Whaley, 2007). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or (FAS) is a specific medical diagnosis for permanent conditions from birth to prenatal alcohol related conditions (Rasmussen et al., 2012). FAS can result in mental disabilities, as well as psychological and behavioral problems (Rasmussen et al., 2012). Children who are diagnosed with FAS, are also put at risk for maltreatment by their mothers (Grant, Ernst, Streissguth, Stark; 2005). FAS is 100% preventable. Three strategies to reduce FAS include The Parent- Child…show more content…
This program is different from the previous two mentioned methods because it focuses on short one-on-one counseling services done by non-trained personnel (O’Connor & Whaley, 2007). The non-trained personnel, are actually nutritionists whom were given a “step-by-step” guide on how to do a brief intervention successfully (O’Connor & Whaley, 2007). The women had monthly prenatal Women Infants and Children (WIC) visits (O’Connor & Whaley, 2007). At these WIC visits they were evaluated to see if they were continuingly consuming alcohol during their pregnancy. As nutritionist it was their duty to hold a brief intervention and bring attention to their alcohol consumption habits and the harmful consequences of consuming alcohol prenatally (O’Connor & Whaley, 2007). Brief Intervention’s main focus is on raising awareness about alcohol and substance abuse all while motivating mothers to change their behaviors. The effectiveness and little cost rate of Brief Intervention make it a great replacement solution because it quickly motivates substance abusers to change their drinking behaviors. Prior in the intervention 54% had no more than one drink, while 21% had no more than 2, and 25% drank three or more in one setting(O’Connor & Whaley, 2007). However, by the third trimester 95% of these women had not consumed a drink, which makes a significant decrease in FAS(O’Connor & Whaley, 2007). Newborns…show more content…
Brief Intervention programs are short and cost effective compared to PCAP and First Steps, a three-year program where expenses are substantial. Newborns whose mothers drank and received a brief intervention compared to mothers who did not drink showed no difference in birth weight. This shows that the intervention was successful and that those mothers did not continue to drink after they find out the outcomes of prenatal drinking. A individual’s impulse to change bad habits have been proved to be 5 times more successful during a brief intervention (O’Connor & Whaley, 2007). The use of the Brief Intervention program will help decrease the number of FAS cases and prevent the suffering of any more

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