Features of academic academic writing

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Features of academic writing Writing for many people, may seem easy or difficult depending on the experience that they have had. Many of us fear to write any kind of writing, especially when it comes to an academic essay. But actually why to fear? Many times we do not start to write, thinking that writing is something that belongs only to writers and not to ordinary people like us. But if we review the history, we see that writing has been a process of perseverance and training. During any writing process we need to take care of many things. When we choose words to express our ideas, we have to think not only about what makes sense and sounds best to us, but what will make sense and sound best to our readers. Thinking about our audience and their expectations will help us making decisions about word choice. Academic writing is technically the perfect writing an also a series of choices because when it is time to write, we have to choose the words we will use to express our ideas and decide how to arrange those words into sentences and paragraphs. Also, we must have in mine some of the academic writing features as the correct formal vocabulary, punctuation, cohesion, coherence, clarity, simplicity, and structure, at the moment to write. However, what are the two most important features of academic writing to me? Well, to answer this question is not easy since all of them involve importance and we cannot separate one from another to create a good academic writing essay or paper. After analysing all the futures, I decided that simplicity and clarity are for me the most important ones. Simplicity is the secret of good writing as Zinsser (1998) said; “try not to use unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon to avoid clutter” Every word that serves no function, every long word that could be a short word, every

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