Famous Thinkers: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Creative minds and critcal thinking | Famous Thinkers | PHL/458 | | Edward McClendon | 7/11/2013 | Facilitator: Dane Scott Schnarr | Famous Thinkers When deciding which famous thinkers to discuss in this paper it was easy to pick individuals that stood out above all. Researching individuals in which there is familiarity was not a challenge so the decision was based on interest. William “Bill” Gates always has been an individual of impressive interest because of his integrity portrayed in the media. Reading and hearing about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through history books and on television does not do him justice. Reading the words written by Dr. King piqued the interest to understand it directly from his point of view.…show more content…
Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, GA during a period when racism was extremely prominent. One can only imagine the experiences Black Americans endured during those times unless one lived through them personally. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used his strength and knowledge to help society overcome these tumultuous times. Dr. King fought for equal justice for all races and gender to love one another and eliminate violence. He served the community as a clergyman, activist, and leader of the Civil Rights Movement [ (Biography, 2012) ]. Through the guidance of another great thinker named Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. King followed many of Mahatma Ghandi’s teachings and shared them with society. Through Dr. King’s inspirational Christian faith, he led acts of nonviolent protests, grassroots organizing, and civil disobedience to achieve the goal of legal equality for African Americans [ (About Dr. King, 2012)…show more content…
King led movements that reached many and was heard around the world. His actions were meant to eliminate hate and segregation, pass voting rights for African Americans, and unite a Nation with equality for everyone. Dr. King’s accomplishments are taught to people of all races worldwide. His fights against the Vietnam War lead to the “Poor Peoples Campaign” that was a multiracial coalition who were working for economic change. Conclusion William “Bill” Gates and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were both young scholars who took risks and faced challenges to improve the way of life for everyone. Through their contributions they could achieve goals and provide innovative ideas to overcome obstacles. They were empowered to avoid allowing rejections set them back but to continue to persevere to heightened horizons. These famous thinkers have paved the way for many and encouraged individuals no matter their age or race that they too can accomplish their dreams.
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