Falling from Grace

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Falling From Grace by Jane Godwin The novel of Falling from Grace by Jane Godwin shows three very different characters that are brought together after the disappearance of a girl named Grace. Kip is a teenage boy, who has been accused for Graces disappearance after being found with bloodstains and the girls backpack. Annie has lost her sister and somehow feels blamed. And Ted, a strange, washed-out rock star who kip is fascinated by, seems very mysterious about the whole situation. In the novel falling from grace a main character, Ted is shown to make very poor decisions that lead to devastating consequences some of these decisions that lead to devastating consequences some of these decisions include, leaving grace, not telling kip he found her, giving kip alcohol and being untruthful with the police. Ted made a very poor decision by leaving grace and the consequences were that grace almost died, grace has hyperthermia and her family were concerned and worried about her. ‘I hear water on my skin. It’s wet. I can’t see. Its blacker, darkness that is thick. No one can hear me. I’ve heard them, but I can’t call anymore. I can’t move. I can’t look at my leg.’ Quoted by Grace. Another poor decision is not telling kip he found grace and the consequences were that it took them longer to find grace and the police suspected that kip new something. In the novel falling from grace a main character, kip is shown to make various poor decisions the lead to devastating consequences some of these decisions include, lying to the police, helping Ted when he cut his foot and stealing the bra. Kip made a very poor decision by lying to the police and the consequence were that it's illegal and he could have put Grace's life at risk. Another poor decision was that kip was helping Ted when he cut his foot and the consequence were that he wouldn’t have blood on him so the

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