Factors That Influence Public Policy

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Nichelle Alston Pols 1101 Factors That Influence Public Policy Essay In America, the gap in educational levels between unfortunate children and their more fortunate peers has always been a problem. In the past our nation has always debated on solutions to reverse the negative effects of this issue. The No Child Left Behind Act is one of the many acts of Congress, proposed by former President George Bush Jr., to resolve this issue in America by ensuring “that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments” (Hayes 10). President Bush urged that the national government be more involved in assisting states to exercising this act of Congress. NCLB was influenced by low educational levels amongst underprivileged children, which was first addressed by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and educational differences between minorities and whites. NCLB has been influenced through our nation’s history by the many challenges dealing with improving poverty stricken schools, in which formed a gap in education between unfortunate children and their counter-peers. The main cause of this educational gap dates back to 1896, involving the case of Plessy vs. Fergusson, the ruling of “equal but separate accommodations for the white, and colored races.” (Separate but not Equal Brown vs. Board of Education) This division caused inequality in the public school system, therefore leading to the case of Brown vs. The Board of Education in 1954. In this case, the courts “strikes down the "separate but equal" doctrine of Plessy v Ferguson in regards to public education and mandates the desegregation of schools across America. Although this ruling was in effect, schools still faced inequality” (Brown vs. Board of
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