Explore Roland Barthes’ Account of How Meaning Gets Into the Image in ‘Rhetoric of the Image’. How Useful Is His Approach for Making Sense of Either the Photographic or the Advertising Image?

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Explore Roland Barthes’ account of how meaning gets into the image in ‘Rhetoric of the Image’. How useful is his approach for making sense of EITHER the photographic OR the advertising image? In “Rhetoric of the Image,” Barthes sets out to explore the relationship between images and their meanings. Barthes focused upon the internal process of signification played out in our ‘reading’ of images; the dialogue between the denotative literal level and the symbolic connotative level. The manner in which this denotative, literal level is coded ‘prepares and facilitates’ (Barthes, 1977.p.43) our reading of the connotative level. Barthes first defines the root of image as being close to the word "imitari" which translates as an imitation or a re-presentation. Barthes goes on to say that ‘all images are polysemous’ [Barthes, 1977.p.38] meaning that there are multiple possible meanings held within an image. These two points pose the central question of Barthes’ essay; can images truly function as conveyers of meaning given that they are essentially imitations (or direct analogical representations) of something else, and if they can, how does meaning get into the image? For his argument, Barthes analyses an advertising image from ‘Panzani.’ He only focuses on the advertising image because, as he states, ‘In advertising the signification of the image is undoubtedly intentional.’ (Barthes, 1977.p.33) Meaning that everything in the frame, no matter how natural it seems, has been heavily coded and mediated with easily recognizable, culturally specific signs. The function of these signs is to work subconsciously in the reader and direct them through a series of meanings to a preferred reading chosen in advance. Barthes goes on to identify three messages within any advertising image that help transmit the preconceived messages ‘frankly and emphatically.’ The first

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