We stick with our families and love them and support them. The huge difference between the family society in Brave New World and our world.... would be that they drop all families and we have our families. Everyone depends on himself or herself and there is hardly any love for the people of Brave New World. Mothers and fathers are not important. Children are raised on their own with the help of adult's brain washing them to believe
Safe tanning should be no tanning at all due to the fact that there is no such thing as safe tanning. There are alternatives that can be looked at that are safer with less effects. Tanning beds, a source of vitamin D or a deadly habit? The use of tanning beds is a very common ritual of average North American women between the ages of 18-25. There are many health risks, both physical and mental, that are usually overlooked by users to compensate for their lack of confidence and self-image.
Yet at her past employer, employees would leave quickly. Management did not have a good reputation at all. No relationships were built and way too much conflict in the work place. Abiding with equal employement opportunity laws, will make a successful and positive working environment. It is strongly believed to abide by them in order for an organization
However, if we as children were never taught those early values of teamwork then that brings up great question to where our communities would be. There is not one person in history that built something entirely on their own. Based on the virtues of individualism and self-sufficiency that Thoreau expressed in his essay, it is apparent that our modern day communities would crumble due to the lack of detail, teamwork, and sense of urgency. One of Thoreau’s main points in his essay is to let go of detail. He feels that details cause error and error in turn causes unnecessary stress.
In the Giver, only the Giver and Jonas have memories. Since the community had no memories of war, hunger, pain, hatred, they were unable feel and know love, understand how precious life was. That was why even though father seems to be kind, he was still able to release that is kill a baby. Another important theme of The Giver is by choosing Sameness, they gave up their freedom to choose. In the community, they celebrated group birthdays, allowing only one kind of clothing, haircut, same weather, assigning spouses, jobs, children and names.
According to him, Indonesian workers were paid so low that it hardly fulfilled their basic necessities. Nike didn’t response convincingly, what they want to do is just avoiding responsibility. For example, they try to defend themselves like “I don’t know that I need to know, we don’t make shoes”, it is none of my business. Initially Nike's response to all this was very unstable, the company took no responsibility of the poor working conditions in the factories. They continued to emphasize that they have nothing to do with the management of the contractors.
Among those jobs is one that is not found in modern society. This is the job of being the Reciever, or one who holds all the memories of the world before the current dystopian society. That being said, I strongly believe that living in a modern urban city is better than living in the community from The Giver. I believe so because all citizens do not know the concept of color, and have never seen color in their life; the aspect of personal choice is eliminated, as all of their futures are hand-picked for them; and no one in the community knows true pain, and therefore cannot fathom true happiness. None of the citizens in The Giver's community have ever experienced color, which surpresses their creativity at the root.
sends a message that you can take the easy way through life and follow everyone else, or you could contribute a verse and make a difference in your life. The main character in Birds, Clouds, Frogs had a boring job which he hated and he was not doing anything with his life. One day, he realized that there was another way to live, and that was by contributing a verse and not going through life like you are forced too, but he did not take up on his opportunity to change his lifestyle and contribute a verse. O Me! O Life!
* Health risk Each of us have the right to be free, so why athletes does not have the right to take drugs, in fact taking drugs can help them to achieve their own goals. Even if they’re risking their lives it is still worth it. If we prohibit the people who are smoking and risking their lives, why do we have to forbid the athletes from taking drugs and risking their lives to pursue
People with ADD or ADHD cannot concentrate in school or do common task without being distracted without their medication. People with depression cannot maintain relationships or open themselves up to other people without their medication. This makes you think that the people in Brave New World have no reason to be taking any drug at all since they are suppose to be genetically “perfect”. On the other hand, they all have something that is different about them and something they are insecure about like Bernard being a little short. Bernard being short and a little thin has nothing to do with the person he is but he was simply just born with it.