Evening Class Summury

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Evening Class is a book written by Maeve Binchy in 1998. It tells about different lives of Irish characters which are gathering in Italian evening class. First of all, Maeve introduced the character of Aidan Dunne who’s an unhappy teacher at Montainview School. His marriage became a disaster, and his only dream is to become Principal at this school, but unfortunately, this position of Principal was given to Tony O’Brian, a popular teacher who his only aim is to have fun with young women. After that-, we met Nora O’Donaghue called Signora. She had lived in Italy to be near the man she loved. After his death, she decided to come back to Ireland. Suzi, a young woman working at a coffee, propose her to rent a room at the Sullivans, and then because she mastered the Italian, she told her that she could work as a teacher for Italian evening class at Montainview College. Afterwards, Maeve talked about Lou. He’s a young man of about twenty years. Since he was young, he used to help thieves. Robin, one of the thieves, suggested him to help them in their works in order to make money easily. One night, in a nightclub, he met Suzi Sullivan, after that, lovers, they decided to get married. For another criminal affair, he joined Italian classes with Suzi. Lou gave Suzi a very expensive ring and took an expensive TV set to the Italian classes. Signora became aware of what was taking place and Lou swore her he will change. Next we have an outline of Connie’s life. Connie O’Connor married a rich business man called Harry Kane. As her mother suggested, she took half her husband’s fortune then invested it in case. In fact, Kane’s company went bankrupt. So she resolved to help people who suffered from that financial disaster. Unexpected, Connie knew that her husband was cheating on her with his secretary, so she decided to go on trip to Italy, but fist she took Italian courses.
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