Ethical Dilemma In Nursing

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1 begin with. Putting a tube down your nose is a painful procedure, aggressive and does not feel comfortable doing that to a child. Even if the baby does live very long the quality of her life is not going to be very good. According to her, they should do comforting sort of actions with her, as far as holding her and trying to feed her, but not doing a lot of aggressive tests with her.


Code Gray: Ethical Dilemma in Nursing is a short documentary film directed by Joan Sawyer. It shows four actual situation where nurses confront difficult ethical decisions, as they balance the often contradictory views of patients members, and other staff about what is best for their patients. The film is divided into four distinct cases, each one focusing on a particular ethical principal(beneficence, autonomy, justice and fidelity).

In case 1 of the documentary, T.J was born with severe birth defect. She lacks the self- regulatory mechanism for temperature control, and she did not see nor hear. No medical or surgical intervention could correct or adequately compensate for T.J’s lack of upper brain cells.
She was only expected to live a matter of weeks or months. Even before she was born her mother had decided to give her up for adoption, and so T.J is a ward of the state. The state relied upon the judgment of T.J’s caregivers to provide good nursing and medical care and to act in her best interest. T.J had two primary nurses, Janet and Jeanne. Janet was responsible for coordinating
T.J’s care writing and updating the Nursing Care Plan, and meeting regularly with the
Association Nurse and Jeanne was the other nurse that cares for T.J regularly. Shortly after birth, it became clear that T.J frequently could not retain and often did not digest her formula; she vomited after every feeding. When nurse would insert a tube through

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