Essay on Importance of School Rules

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The Book Thief Parts 6-10 Use quotations in your answers with page numbers. Write a sentence for each vocabulary word. Part 6: copiously, paradox, repercussions, incessantly, irreparable 1. Why is death overwhelmed in 1942? 2. What is death’s opinion of war? 3. What does Liesel bring to Max on Christmas Eve? Why is it important? 4. What is a paradox? Explain paradox in the final line of the chapter. 5. Describe the dilemma, or conflict, that the Hubermann’s face if Max does not survive his illness. 6. Who is “the visitor”? Part 7: apparitions, clamored, feigning, stoic, vindication 1. Why does Liesel consider herself a criminal? 2. Why does Frau Holtzapfel visit the Hubermanns? 3. Why might the Hubermanns be hoping that the party comes to search their home for evidence of a Jew? 4. Who are the coat men? Why are they on Himmel street? Part 8: perilous, miscreants, splice, dais 1. What does Rudy finally explain to Liesel? How does she react? 2. What image does Death provide of Rosa on the night Hans leaves? How does this image effect your perception of Rosa? 3. Who are the “three desperate men” that consume Liesel’s thoughts? 4. Why does Liesel attend the parades of the Jews? Part 9: gloated, semblance 1. Explain the last line of the chapter: “it kills me sometimes, how people die.” Which literary devices are used in the last line? 2. After Liesel has accepted the death of her brother, he no longer invades her dreams, but appears to Liesel another way. Why is this significant? 3. How does Liesel’s role change from thief to provider in the shelter? Part 10: alleviated, bereaved, cantered, apocalyptic 1. What does Liesel scream as the soldiers pull her from the rubble? Why is the scream significant? 2. What does Liesel realize about Rudy and what does she want from him? Why is
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