Essay 7 Habits of a Highy Successful People

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Covey and Career Development Paper Mount Vernon Nazarene College Business 310 By Mark Swetel The book the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People wrote by Stephen R. Covey provide us seven habits that will give us a powerful lesson thus change proactive people. So I will list all the seven habits from the book below, and analysis how they relate to me as a student. The first habit from the book is to be proactive. Being proactive means we need to make action in advance. Rather than waiting for others to make decisions and then we react according to them, we should do it beforehand. In the book, Covey uses the example of circle of concern to illustrate how to focus proactively. He (2004) asserts that "proactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Influence. They work on the things they can do something about. Reactive people, on the other hand, focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern. They focus on the weakness of other people, the problems in the environment, and circumstances over which they have no control" (p. 83). It means that he suggests us to actually work on the problems and thus influence the conditions rather than worrying about the problems. I was a reactive person before. I like to complain the problems to my friends because I was stressed out and being too worried, but I never thought about to change the conditions practically. However, my point of view changed when I was in the Army. After serving 3 years in Iraq, I found out college was sometimes, really frustrating, so I kept complaining to my friends how difficult and some of the courses were. One day, my friend told me to stop complaining, and talked to the professor and see how I can improve my grade, and I did talk to my professor. My professor told me to go to the writing center to fix my grammar mistake, so my grade would go up. So I went to writing center for
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