
337 Words2 Pages
1. (TCO 12) This has NOT been used as an approach to defining abnormal behavior. Statistical infrequency Personal distress Medical school consensus Violation of norms 2. (TCO 12) According to the humanistic perspective, anxiety is a result of __________. Unconscious tensions Blocked personal growth Faulty reasoning Neurotransmitter imbalances 3. (TCO 12) Our fast-paced lives, increased mobility, and decreased job security and family support is believed to be important in the increase in _____ over the past few years. Anxiety disorders Mood disorders PTSD OCD 4. (TCO 12) Antidepressants and lithium are prescribed for mood disorders because they appear to affect the amount or functioning of _____ in the brain Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonim Myelin Endorphins and serotonin Acetylcholine and dopamine 5. (TCO 12) One of the biological theories of the cause of antisocial personality is _____. A lack of hemispheric dominance Brain damage during the birth process Abnormal autonomic activation during stress An usually small corpus callosum 6. (TCO 12) In therapy, Alda started speaking about her upcoming birthday, which reminded her of a childhood birthday. In discussing her fifth birthday, she remembered feelings of rage and disappointment and recalled a dream she'd had last night in which she was behind the wheel of a steamroller. This process would BEST be described as _____. Dream analysis Psychotic processing Free association Transference 7. (TCO 12) When Rudyard missed the bus to school, he immediately thought to himself, "The teacher will never let me in late to the final exam. I'm doomed." Rudyard's thoughts are an example of _____, which cognitive therapists attempt to change using _____. Self-analysis; problem-solving Irrationality; rationalization Unreality; reality therapy Self-talk; cognitive
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