Environmental Issues In The Czech Republic

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Environmental Issues in the Czech Republic In 1946, the Communist Party was becoming dominant in many governments. In 1948, the communist rule, assisted by the military of the Soviet Union took over many Eastern Block countries including Czechoslovakia. By this time, a constitution was made in May, allowing the communist party to have total control. The communist rule made industries and agriculture nationalized. Citizens who opposed this change fled the country and major political leaders were kept in labor camps, executed or were put in prison. During this communist era, heavy industry was brought into place, which were producing steel, iron, ceramics, cement, plastics, cotton, clothing and even beer. All of there products benefited only communist government. The communist rule ignored all possibilities of environmental problems that these industries could cause for these countries. Controversial power plants were opened up to provide energy. As the industrial revolution went on, these industries were causing serious air pollution and acid rain throughout Czechoslovakia, and as expected the people reacted and environmental awareness was a major concern. This concern was followed throughout the communist rule up until 1989. In 1989, the citizens of Czechoslovakia began to fight back against the communist rule. This led to large protest against the government. In one week of November 750,000 citizens protested for the government to resign. This eventually led to the end of the communist party, but the start of the Velvet Revolution. During the Velvet Revolution, Czechoslovakia broke up into two countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. However, what happened to the industries when all of this was happening? What about the environment? They were simply forgotten. Citizens lost total environmental awareness during this tough
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