Ensure Safe Work Place

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CASE STUDY APRIL, 2013 TASK 1 1. Hazard: Manual handling Risk: Back injury, repetitive strain Measures: Teach and remind employees of correct lifting and carrying techniques. Rotate tasks. Employer is required to carry out risk assessments, and take action to protect employees from the risks of manual handling. Prevention measures include: * Designing and organising tasks to avoid manual handling completely, or at least restrict it. * Using automation and lifting equipment. * Organising manual handling tasks in a safe way, with loads split into smaller ones, and proper rest periods provided. * Providing information and training to workers on tasks, and the use of equipment and correct handling techniques. 2. Hazard: Slips and trips Risk: Injuries Measures: Warn and train employees and remove trip hazards before commencing work. Do not leave tools or obstructive objects on path ways. Watch where one walks, and go slowly. Mark tools with fluorescent colour. More than one control measure was needed to provide the best protection. This ware: * Eliminate the hazard- Remove slip and trip hazards such as eliminating changes in floor levels and installing more power outlets to avoid trailing cords * Substitution - Replace flooring with a more slip-resistant surface. * Isolation - Prevent access to high risk areas, for example cordon off wet floor areas while cleaning is in progress. * Engineering controls - Apply floor treatments to increase slip resistance. Improve lighting. Stop leaks from equipment or pipes. Provide adequate drainage. Clearly mark edges of steps and any changes in floor height. * Administrative controls - Implement good housekeeping practices including keeping access ways clear and cleaning up spills immediately. Use signage to warn of wet or slippery areas. Provide training and

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