Egl106 Unit 1

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Unit 2 Individual Project ENGL106 Outline Venture Capitalists are the people that have Venture Capital available for use that businesses can use for startup or expansion. It involves high risk and potential for a high return on the money invested. These investors pool their money and use it and their expertise to help startup businesses that have no prior history and can’t get traditional help from other lending sources. Venture Capitalists are wealthy individuals or a group of individuals that finance and help start up new businesses that can’t raise money by selling stock or getting traditional loans and accept the risk involved in this type of financing. Venture Capital is the money provided to new starting businesses that have a great chance of getting a return to the investor for their money. The investor usually gets a say in how the company is run. This capital is for companies that have just started and don’t have enough time or income to show a bank or traditional lenders the history needed to secure a loan or to offer stock in the company.…show more content…
Venture capital firms didn’t really exist before World War II. The first true firm founded was in 1946. The real help came in 1958 with the creation of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Venture Capitalists are a true help to small businesses that have no other means to start a business by getting loans or other financing. Without these firms, the business world would look a lot different and be run by the big and powerful businesses and no small businesses would be able to compete. VENTURE CAPITALISTS: GOOD OR BAD? 1 Venture Capitalists: Good or Bad? Can Society survive without them? Geraldine Lampkin ENGL106 Dr. Shana Koh July 30,
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