Effects of Smoking on the Family

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Table of Contents Introduction1 Why do People Smoke?3 What are the Effects of Smoking?5 What are the Challenges faced by Smokers?10 The Health Belief Model and Smoking………………………………………………………..11 Conclusion13 Appendix14 References………………………………………………………………………………………15 Introduction “Today happens to be my birthday and besides the fact that I’m looking cute, I’m in line to get into ‘Stumbling’ with my friends….Now, ‘Stumbling’ is supposed to be a smoke free environment, why am I coughing? One of my friends asked the culprit, who was standing behind us the same thing. His reply was that the government banned indoor smoking so he’s doing it outside……..”(Diary 2012) Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 harmful chemicals all of which are detrimental to one’s health. One in two lifetime’s smokers will die from their habit and half of these deaths will occur during middle age. According to public record, tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death and kills more persons than AIDS, car accidents, alcohol, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined. Considering such horrific information it seemed natural for one to begin to think about all the possible factors associated with smoking, more so what happens in a more personal setting where one is unable to speak up about smoking. As a result the home seemed the most personal place to start. Here there are a number of individuals unable to stand up and fight for a smoke free environment. Continuous and habitual smoking usually occurs as a result of addiction to the Tobacco, nicotine, caffeine and other chemicals used to make cigarettes. However smoking does not only affect the smoker, it plays a dangerous role with the health of persons around a smoker. Having attained this valuable slip of information, one may ask the following questions.1. Why do people smoke? 2. What are the effects of

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