Effects Of Music On Learning

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Introduction Music is one of the most wonderful things in this world. It is a form of at whose medium is sound and silence. Music has a very deep effect on us, there has been a lot of research over the year on what exactly music does to us and how it affects our being. The results don’t have a very specific result from where a definite conclusion can be taken; Music may enhance some people’s learning, while others may simply be distracted by it. Music with a 60 beats per minute pattern, like Mozart’s or baroque Music, activate the left and right brain, because of this one has the ability to process and keep more information in less time. A study was done by Mike Manthei and Steve N. Kelly to find out if music really does affect our learning, statistical results showed there was no relation of listening to background music with learning performance. Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of five popular and classical background music listening on undergraduate’s test scores. To achieve this, 72 students from a music appreciation were put into 3 different groups and each group exposed to different music styles for a certain period of time while completing three parallel forms of a maths placement test. Method The students were selected based on their availability and their academic and socioeconomic diversity. None of them were music majors, they had the average student age (18-22) and the group was balanced in terms of gender. Most of them were from rural communities and of some ethnical diversity. The group could be considered as homogenous. The background music type (classical, popular and none) and the five music styles defined by Hedden(1971) (associative, cognitive, physical, involvement and enjoyment) were considered to be the independent variable while the maths test score, the dependant variable. Since classical and popular

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