Education: How the Nation Stays Afloat and the Students Sink

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Education: How the Nation Stays Afloat and the Students Sink American culture plays a critical role in how our educational systems were designed. American culture has created the myth that is, without a formal education, success, creativity and individuality are impossible to achieve. However, schools are not assisting the students in their pursuit of success and individuality. The educational system was produce with another mission in mind; suppress the student’s intelligence and creativity, increase funds with Corporate America by manipulating the handicap schools and assign each student a social role and aid them in developing that role only. Schools are not as helpful as we may have perceived, they discreetly create docile citizens by giving the illusion that the system is developing each student. In Michael Moore “Idiot Nation,” Moore goes into more detail illustrating how the educational system has drained students of their creativity and made them robots for their society. Similarly, in John Taylor Gatto piece, “Against Schools” he blatantly states that schools were engineered to produce docile, mediocre intellects all in order to make the population manageable. Although each author presented different ideas, Gatto and Moore can agree that the educational system does not develop the students. The educational system has always been geared towards maintaining and strengthening the nation rather than assisting the students. The school system has become unsupportive and essentially a waste of time. Initially, school teachers teach what the school board deems necessary, and the school board orders these demands based on what the state government deems the students should be learning. By allowing the state government to have the freedom to designate what the students are learning, gives the state the control on how students will develop. The educational system

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