Econ 315: Homework Answers

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Econ 315 Homework III Posted: Friday, October 7, 2011 Due: Friday, October 14, 2011 (before class or immediately after) Instructions: All homework answers MUST BE TYPED. No email submissions. The homework will be collected in class. If you can’t be in class, send your homework with a friend or turn it in EARLY under my office door (Raub 410) with your name and email address clearly marked. No late homework will be accepted without a valid documented excuse. Group work: You can work individually or in a group of two (2). Only one submission is required for each group, but ensure that both names and email addresses are included. Note that homeworks are crucial to your learning, so if you choose to work in a group, be an active participant.…show more content…
Given the information above, sketch Mike’s budget line on the graph below. [pic] QUESTION 3 (1000 points) a) State four (4) properties of indifference curves that can be derived based on the three (3) main assumptions of preferences (EXCLUDE the property that indifference curves cannot cross). (400 points) i) Indifference Curves are Negatively Sloped – The IC slopes downward because as the consumption of Good X increases then a certain amount Good Y must be given up to maintain the same level of satisfaction. ii) A Higher Indifference Curve Represents A Higher Level Of Satisfaction – A combination of Goods lying on a higher indifference curve will be preferred by a consumer to a combination of goods that lie on a lower indifference curve. iii) Indifference Curves Are Convex To The Origin – As the amount of Good X increases by equal amounts, Good Y will reduce by smaller amounts. iv) Indifference Curves Do Not Touch The Horizontal Or Vertical Axis – The basic assumption of the consumer buying two goods in combination would be violated if the curve were to touch either…show more content…
Ensure you state where a particular assumption is used in your proof. (600 points) [pic] Given the two IC Curves, Point A on IC1 is northeast of IC2’s Point B implying that IC1 is has a higher utility than IC2. On IC2, Point D is northeast to IC1’s Point C implying that IC2 is the IC curve with the higher utility, which creates a logical inconsistency. This would break the assumption rule that every consumption basket lies on one and only one indifference curve. It would also break the transitivity assumption. If A is indifferent to E, and B is indifferent to E then that implies that A is indifferent to B, which is False. Multiple Choice Questions QUESTION 4 (300 points) Suppose [pic]. Which of the following is FALSE? a. The MRS and the MRT are not equal. b. The budget line is steeper than the indifference curve at the current consumption level (Y is on the vertical axis and X is on the horizontal axis). c. The consumer’s total utility would increase if he/she chose consumption such that MUX increases and MUY
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