Duty of Care

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Yvonne Parry NVQ3 Assignment 304 task A Duty of Care - A social care worker has a duty of care towards a service user. This means they must act in the best interests of the service user at all times. * Respecting their right to privacy and confidentiality. * Promote their independence, welfare and health and safety . Provide information about choices that are available to them. * Treat everyone as an individual, respect the decisions they make for themselves. * Follow organisational policies and procedures. * Always act within your own competence, ensuring your training is up to date such as moving and handling, medication policies and safeguarding. Never undertake a task for which no training has been provided. * Document all visits and record any concerns regarding the wellbeing of the service user and report these concerns to your line manager seeking advice on how best to deal with the situation. How Duty of care affects the work of social care worker- The social care worker has a legal and moral obligation to always act in the best interest of the service user. The workers must have up to date training to be able to fully support the service user. They can refer to policies and procedures or contact line manager for help and guidance if needed. They must always work within the legal requirements of health and safety legislation including - Management of health and safety at Work Regs 1999 Manual Handling operations Regs 1992 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1974 Health and Safety at work act 1974 Food safety Act 1990 By working within these guidelines this protects the service user, the social care worker and the organisation. Duty of care obligations by care giving organisations- The organisation must ensure that all

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