Drinking Age

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United States Drinking Age So you’re finally eighteen! You’re a legal adult! You can now vote, smoke, join the services, get married, and pay taxes. But you can not consume alcohol. You will have to wait three more years for that, until you’re twenty-one. Well I for one believe that the drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one to eighteen. It should be your choice if you want to consume or not when you become legal. There are many problems with having the drinking age set so high: Individuals are considered adults at eighteen and should be treated like adults; there is a high rate of alcoholism and abuse among eighteen-twenty year olds; and in other countries around the world the drinking age is eighteen. When you turn eighteen you…show more content…
“Fifty-one percent of high school seniors and twenty-nine percent of eighth graders have admitted to drinking within the past thirty days in a 1996 government survey. Drinking rates have remained remarkably consistent over the past forty years”. Under such laws, many young people learn about drinking in unsafe environments, such as basement keg parties. They use alcohol with the intention of getting drunk rather than accompanying it with food or a social event. Researchers say “American young people engage in “binge drinking” far too often”. This is all caused from a twenty-one drinking age. The easiest way to eliminate this would to be lowering the drinking age where young adults can be monitored and learn how to drink the safe way. If young adults were allowed to drink in bars whenever they wanted, or if they could buy alcohol from a liquor store without finding someone to go on a booze run for them, then binge drinking would become less…show more content…
These problems include: Individuals are considered adults at eighteen and should be treated like adults; there is a high rate of alcoholism and abuse among eighteen-twenty year olds; and in other countries around the world the drinking age is eighteen. The fact is there is always going to be underage drinking. If they changed the laws it would cause young adults to become more mature with alcohol and not abuse it as much, like most other countries. I believe if they changed this law it would benefit our young adults in many
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