Dorm Life vs. Home Life

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Dorm Life vs. Home Life Almost every young person entering the period of college education faces the necessity to leave home and to live in the on-campus dormitory. The on-campus dormitories have been survived by many people and some of them have absolutely opposing opinions. The change from home to dorm life can be called one of the most important event in the life of any young person first of all because it is the first extreme life change and also because the consequences are still unknown. Home life and dorm life represent two different ways of living in different conditions. Nevertheless they have their similarities and differences that can be seen only after a deep analysis of the issue, the choice between home life and domestic life can lead to complete transformation of the life of a young man, on-campus life inevitably affects the life of the person and along with home life have their pros and cons. On-campus dormitories may be a pleasant experience for one person and a terrible test for another one. For some people dorm living is a necessity. There are several objective facts concerning dorm living. First of all any individual living at the dorm will have to face the necessity sometimes to live together with up to three students. Only those individuals who have an exclusive position within the university may count on having a room without roommates (Bergado, 2013). The quality of the beds sometimes requires repair and the closet very often cannot fit in all the belonging of the roommates (Bergado, 2013). The dorm does not provide the individuals with an actual kitchen and has small space for refrigerating food(Bergado, 2013). The dorm offers public baths which are not comfortable under any condition. The next fact is about one of the most important ones, the dorm cuts individual space to its possible minimum as the person can hardly ever be

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