Does Texting Help or Hurt Language

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Jessica M Short Essay #2 Does Texting Help or Hurt Language In the essay “2b or Not 2b?” by David Crystal, Professor at the University of Wales and known for his work in linguistics, argues that texting is not hurting the English language and is a viable form of communication. Crystal claims “Ever since the arrival of printing-thought to be the invention of the devil because it would put false opinions into people’s minds-people have been arguing that new technology would have disastrous consequences for language” (336). In other words, despite the doom-laden prophecies, texting is not destroying the English language like many feared it would. I agree with Crystal’s stance on texting and its effect on modern society by helping expand communication. Crystal points out that texting is not the first advancement to have prophecies of doom to language. “Ever since the arrival of printing - thought to be the invention of the devil because it would put false opinions into peoples’ minds - people have been arguing that new technology would have disastrous consequences for language. Scares accompanied the introduction of the telegraph, telephone, and broadcasting” (336). While these were all unfounded they will continue to accompany any new advances. People are instinctively fearful of change in any way, but as time passes all things must change and evolve to survive and become better. I see any option that excites young people to write and read will improve their own reading and writing in school. Crystal also points out that “a trillion text messages might seem a lot, but when we set these alongside the multi-trillion instances of standard orthography in everyday life, they appear as no more than a few ripples on the surface of the sea of language” (337). Therefore, texting does not have the power to destroy any language or communication.
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