Do You Think That True Scientific Innovation Is Th

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|Question 1A “Do you think that true scientific innovation is the product of science alone or a marriage of science and other | |disciplines like art and philosophy?” | |True innovation is the implementation of beneficial change. It is exemplified in the leaps of faith mankind made in | |revolutionizing the Atomic Model and the Theory of General Relativity. These revelations have enabled us to engineer products | |that assist us in our daily lives. Conceived by the versatile and elastic mind, one must draw inspirations from disciplines | |rooted in creativity, like art and philosophy, and elegantly integrate it into science for true scientific innovation. | |“Innovation” comprises of three basic stages, the Birth, the Growth and the Maturation. Science exposes the fundamental flaws | |in a system, or art gives inspiration, necessitating innovation in Birth. Then we employ creative engineering as a vehicle to | |carry the innovation, turning it from a fleeting idea into a tangible design in Growth. Finally, in Maturation, the | |logic-based Science is combined with the creative Art, resulting in a great change. | |Along the Innovation Cycle, we garner knowledge from external influences and disciplines and apply them to a scientific | |design, consciously or subconsciously. The following are two examples of disciplines that enrich science. | |Art breeds creativity and offers insights seminal in making scientific progress. The business of science is steadfast and | |rigid. New ideas that challenge a widely-accepted scientific doctrine are rejected promptly. This invariably instils in the | |youth the fear of challenging the system, and may result in stagnation in
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