Do Goals Have Value Only If They Are Achieved?

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Do goals have value only if they are achieved? Some individuals reckon that goals attain value on condition that they are accomplished. I fundamentally think that goals still have their vigorous value if they are not ultimately achieved. Although there is ineluctable failure on the road to reaching goals, mankind could still learn valuable lessons from failure. Thomas Edison epitomizes the idea that goals still have value even if they are not achieved. Throughout his career as an inventor, Edison strove to invent a lamp that would be an inexpensive, yet efficient, alternative to gaslight and candles. In his quest to achieve his goal, Edison spent $40,000 and tested 1000 trials. Despite his many failures, Edison showed that there was value in not immediately succeeding in reaching his goals. Edison learned that hard work and perseverance would eventually lead to success and would bring about improvements to society. Therefore, it is clear that even if goals are not immediately achieved, they can still hold tremendous value. Another historical example is Mother Teresa, whose goal was to raise awareness about the poor communities in India. Although the situation was very difficult and troublesome during that time, Mother Teresa still endeavored her best to facilitate the poor people with dedication. Despite the fact that she meet met some obstacles toward the road to achieve her goal, such as lack of financial support and some volunteers, she still hold held her dauntless persuasion will. Her goal of helping all of the poor in India was hardly achieved. However, her devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967. Because of Mother Teresa’s rising reputation, she was able to provide the poor with clean variety of clean water and medicine. In addition, she took a great consideration on of the sick people in
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