Discuss The Effect Of Economic And Monetary Union

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Discuss the effect of Economic and Monetary Union on the European business environment The European Economic and Monetary Union, (EMU), is a three stage plan with the aim of co-ordinating economic and monetary policy throughout European Union member states. There are currently sixteen member states and each one is expected to adopt and participate in EMU policies. The aim of the EMU is to increase European integration and bring about a more productive and effective single European economy. The fist stage of the EMU was implemented from the 1st of July 1990 to the 31st of December 1993. During this stage the abolishing of exchange controls took place and the liberalisisation of capital movement. The Treaty of Maastricht was also drawn up, establishing the EMU as a formal objective and set a number of stabilising economic criteria. The second stage was implemented from the 1st of January 1994 to the 31st December 1998. During this stage the European Central Bank was created with the task of strengthening monetary co-operation and plans for the Euro currency begin. The third stage was implemented from the 1st of January 1999. The Euro becomes a real currency and many of the EU member states convert to it. It becomes the biggest tangible symbol of the EMU. Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom have not yet adopted the third stage and still use their own currency. This is criticised by the European Union as it disrupts the aim of a single economy and currency and makes transnational business with these countries more difficult. The United Kingdom in particular is worried that adopting the Euro will lead to a loss in national sovereignty and will weaken the national economy. As one of the richest member states the United Kingdom can afford to take this stance without damaging its revenue from EU trade. Another criticism of the EMU is one its core policies: The
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