DISC Platinum Rule Assessment Analysis

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DISC Platinum Rule Assessment Analysis According to my assessment I am considered a go-getter (Sd). A go-getter is a person who is predominately in the steadiness style. The goal that motivates The Go-Getter (or Sd) is a desire for a steady flow of more accomplishments. Despite your somewhat indirect nature, you can be very direct in situations that are task focused. Your ability to think through a project makes you a good short-term planner; you can identify the roles, resources, and time lines needed to complete a project successfully. Your search for results leads you to be highly self-reliant, rather than to depend on others to achieve the quality your want. (2008, Alessandra) In my assessment it is stated that people in the steadiness styles like a slower-pace and are focused on relationships, are open and indirect, unassertive, warm and reliable. They are considered by others as compliant, soft-hearted and acquiescent. (2008, Alessandra) I agree with most of this portion of the assessment I do prefer a slower-pace and focus on relationships. I have been told that I am soft-hearted by many of my family members and friends. I however, do not agree that I am indirect or compliant and as my family will attest I am not compliant or acquiescent and when necessary can be extremely assertive. I feel I am a reliable and open person. The assessment gives my strengths as listening, teamwork, reliability and follow-through and my weaknesses as oversensitive, slow to begin action, and poor at goal setting. I definitely agree with these strengths and weaknesses. I can be oversensitive and sometimes it puts me at a disadvantage because people think they can take advantage of me and my kind-heartedness. This could not be farther from the truth, as I have gotten older I have gotten wiser and wiser. I usually take things people say and do

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