Differentces in Humor Styles Between China and America

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l [pic][pic] 英文学院研究生学期课程论文 课程名称 跨文化交际学 学 期 2012~2013 第一学期 学号 2012529 姓名 王玮 专 业 英语语言文学 研究方向 跨文化交际 学生类别 硕士研究生 任课教师 李本现 成 绩 Differences in Humor Styles between China and America by Wang Wei School of English Studies Xi'an International Studies University Xi’an, China 2013 Differences in Humor Styles between China and America ABSTRACT Humor, as a relaxing topic, is a very complicate thing in the intercultural communication. Humor can be the source of misunderstanding, cause many embarrassed moments. Meanwhile, different cultures have their own preferred humor styles. The famous professor of psychology at the University of Western Ontario, Rod A. Martin who focuses his study on functions of humor and laughter proposes four humor styles, that is, affiliative humor, self-enhancing humor, self-defeating humor and aggressive humor. People of all ages and backgrounds engage in humor, but the way they use it can vary greatly. Although humor styles can vary slightly depending on the situation, they tend to be a relatively stable personality characteristic among individuals ("Humor styles"). I believe people in different countries have a more clear difference in humor styles. In this essay, I use four dimensions referred by Hofstede to analyze the preferred humor styles in China and America. Through analyzing, we can get a general idea about the clear difference in humor styles between China and America and will pay more attention to the way we say a joke when we are in a different culture . Key Words: Geert Hofstede; self-enhancing humor; affiliative humor; self-defeating humor; aggressive

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