Differences In The Israeli Army And The American

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Compare and contract the Israeli army and the American army Introduction In this project I will discuss the differences and the similarities between the Israeli army and the American army. We will compare and contrast: -The uniform -A womens role in the army -Volunteer Selection To begin, I will be explaining what is the ‘Army’ is and what its roles are. A military/army is an organization authorized by its greater society permitted to use lethal force, usually including use of weapons, in defending its country by combating actual threats. The military may have additional functions of use to its greater society, such as advancing a political agenda e.g. communism during cold war era, supporting or promoting economice expansion through imperialism, and as a form of internal social control. Within the Israeli army, every individual must serve within the army after graduation high school at age 18, this includes women as well; the only individuals who do not need to serve are people with mental illnesses, married women and people with low medical profiles. The women serve two years while the men serve three, they receive a small payment, depending on their role in the army, and after the regular service they can sign to permanent service however they'll receive a larger payment for their duty. Reserve service is a military service in which citizens are called for active duty for at the very most, a month every year, for training activities, ongoing defense activities and especially for the purpose of increasing the military forces in case of a war. Contrasting to the Israeli army, to join the American army it is not an obligation, it is your choice to willfully make, correspondingly to the Israel army, an age limit is also implied, you must also be at least 21 years old to join, and you will receive a payment like in every other work. Similarly to the
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