Why the United States Should Institute Conscription Into the Military

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Why the United States Should Institute Conscription into the Military Nicholas A. Meyer Devry University, English 112 Professor Jamie Merriman-Pacton August 30, 2012 Why the United States Should Institute Conscription into the Military The United States should institute conscription of all people eighteen years old for two years. It gives the government broader pool of basically trained recruits if the need arises to call them to active duty again. It would also straighten out the misguided youth of today and instill nationalism back into the country. The first reason the United States should institute conscription is because it gives a broader pool of basically trained recruits if a general call up is needed. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed (Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, 1791). This is true now as it was when the Constitution was written because the government has seen fit to “right size” the military, cutting troop levels drastically, but still having the same mission and workload. With mandatory service of two years, conscripts will learn the basics of soldiering and have the necessary skills to fight effectively, and if called back to service, refresher training will cost less and take less time than training someone with no military training. A common argument against conscription is that today’s overseas missions require professional soldiers. Let us remember that in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, most combat soldiers had only six months of training before being sent to war. Peacekeeping operations are best suited to short-term servers at the lower enlisted ranks. A reality often overlooked in the all-volunteer force is that one-third of entering members fail to complete their initial enlistments. Contrast this with the one

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